These are the days of our lives. Our posts are intended to record and convey the experiences we are so lucky to be enjoying. The photos will hopefully make up where the posts fall short. As with all things, expect little and you may be pleasantly surprised!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Apero evenings, appetizers & get togethers, dinners in and suppers out......

The rainy and extremely wet weather has prevented us from doing too much hiking, golfing, sightseeing or exploring but still, we have enjoyed some marvellous afternoon and evening social functions. We have met so many kind and friendly people here and feel that some of these new acquaintances will remain friends for life.

We have been invited to several apero evenings where we have sampled some very good homemade wines - there have been so many different appetizers that we've lost count but especially tasty are the homemade antipasto and excellent variety of warm hors d'oeuvres.

We entertained here inviting some of our new friends over for an Italian evening which was a real success (even though we say so ourselves!). We were also invited to a neighbours' house for an evening of dominoes and pizza washed down with some great reds! The food and wine were fabulous - our first attempt at dominoes was not so good!

Continuing with the eating and drinking theme (one of our favourites!), we went to the local "pub" (
where we had a simple supper of cod and chips - interestingly, the cod which comes from the Pacific was particular sweet and scrumptious! Yes, there was wine too! A carafe of pinot which hit the spot just perfectly!

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