These are the days of our lives. Our posts are intended to record and convey the experiences we are so lucky to be enjoying. The photos will hopefully make up where the posts fall short. As with all things, expect little and you may be pleasantly surprised!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where does the time go??

It is hard to believe that we have not updated our blog for over a month! It has been a busy, busy month but nonetheless, we seem to have lost time.......certainly there has not be a moment where we could collect our thoughts, formulate some kind of summary and publish a new post. Is it our age? They say time flies, especially as you grow older.....we are finding this to be an absolute truth.

Since last blogging we have completed a house and pet sit in Edinburgh, looking after a Golden Retriever and a Newfoundland. Photos and brief summaries to follow. It was fabulous. Our first visit to Edinburgh and my (Tracy), first ever visit to Scotland!
It was a tad chilly on some days but we had plenty of sunshine and not too much of the wet stuff. There will be a separate post about our time in Edinburgh in due course.

Whilst in Edinburgh we organised a fact finding trip to Burgundy in France. The trip was a success for a number of reasons, not least the kind people we met, the fine wines we discovered and the good food we enjoyed - the autumnal sunshine was a bonus!
More on Burgundy in a later post.........

September 29th and we find ourselves on the Greek island of Crete. House and pet sitting and exploring the island over the next month should be this space!

And just in case you forgot what we look like...............!

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