These are the days of our lives. Our posts are intended to record and convey the experiences we are so lucky to be enjoying. The photos will hopefully make up where the posts fall short. As with all things, expect little and you may be pleasantly surprised!!
The Pacific Rim - Part 4

Not ones to let a little liquid sunshine dampen our spirits,
the increasingly wet weather which followed the glorious sunshine we enjoyed on the West coast did not spoil our plans to make the most of our trip. After a leisurely and lovely breakfast of muffins, pastries, cereals, organic yoghurt, coffee and fresh juice overlooking Cox Bay , the Pacific and yet more surfers(!), we headed for the Wickaninnish Inn, a luxurious resort housing some spectacular sculptures and local artwork. There is also direct beach access to Chesterman Beach where we walked,
beachcombed and admired the beauty of our surroundings.
Having blown away any cobwebs, due in part to several glasses of very good organic Malbec wine the previous night(!), we made our way to Ucluelet, a small harbour town. 
On arriving, we were lucky enough to see several sea lions frolicking in the harbour and catching and eating what to us looked like huge salmon!!
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