Every village, indeed virtually every farm, produces its own wine called "hima". This is the house wine that you are offered in tavernas.
Retsina is a resinated white wine that is more popular on the mainland.
Although "ouzo", the national aperitif of Greece, is drunk in the towns of Crete, in the countryside it is considered a drink for wimps(!) and is replaced by "raki". This firewater drink is made by distillation of the must (the remains of grapes whose juice has been made into wine) to which aromatic herbs have been added.
"Raki" is drunk from tiny glasses and, unline the aniseed favoured "ouzo", is not diluted with water. It is often served in tavernas as a complimentary drink at the end of a meal.
Brandy may also be offered at the end of a meal - Metaxa (the brand name), and is available in three degrees of smoothness 3-, 5- or 7-star.
The local beer is "Mythos" and, it's not too bad - we try one most nights just to see if we really do like it!!
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