10 year old Huntaway cross. Max is a very affectionate dog, who is very overweight. This makes getting around very difficult for him. We have been charged with the task of getting his weight down, he is currently 47kgs. We have commenced a strict eating and exercise plan, which consists of low fat dog food and a 15 minute walk twice a day.
He is a very accomplished snorer and has usurped Della in the snoring championship stakes.
10 year old shorthaired black cat. Serioja is a very affectionate male cat, who is also overweight. He is very friendly with Max, but Max is not too keen on him licking his ears. Serioja loves a lap cuddle and will talk back to you when you speak to him.
Both animals have entered fully into the daily yoga sessions, usually hogging the exercise towels all to themselves!
We have now got into a daily routine and have all got to know one another.
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