Since arriving back here in the UK the weather has been a real mixed bag, as is typical of an English summer. Living out of a suitcase is not so easy when the weather won't play ball. We had packed for a summer in France and optimistically hoped that our selection of shorts and summer tops would suffice back here in Blighty - how wrong could we be? We have obviously been away far too long!
In early July we sweltered in summer gear, by the second week of Juillet our shorts were soggy and sandals were sodden! They, (whoever "they" are), say that "there is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes". Well, we certainly have the wrong stuff packed!
We have been looking after "the Old's" place since returning to the UK whilst they holiday in the States and the sunshine and showers have kept us busy in the garden with hours of watering being replaced by hours of mowing and weeding!
You may know that Dad has had major surgery and unfortunately, had to spend much longer in hospital than expected due to post-op complications and, despite being discharged from hospital a week ago, he continues to have a number of problems and pain. We are hopeful that this coming week will see some significant improvement in his condition.
Our house and pet sitting "schedule" has, as a result of the above, been modified so that we can be around to help where and when needed. We have been very lucky and have organised house sits locally until almost the end of August.
We have also been busy "working" as freelance market researchers! Basically, eating, drinking and shopping and being paid to do so! Some of our "assignments" involve visiting pubs (oh, the hardships!), and sampling traditional real and cask ales.
Now, as a rule, we are committed wine and continental beer (lager!), drinkers by nature but, this introduction to all things hop-like has been a real revelation and we are becoming serious fans, we may even join the Campaigners for Real Ale gang! There will be a separate post(s), with more detail later. Della in particular, has discovered her hidden real ale side(!) and has vowed to try as many different types as her liver will allow! Bring on the "Fursty Ferret" is what I say!!

An unexpected yet very welcome "reunion" mid-July, with some familiar and not so familiar faces from our school days took place at the local pub (where else?), and a good time was had by all. It was really lovely to catch up with everyone.
Swine flu outbreaks here in the UK have now taken on pandemic proportions with most people having it or knowing someone that has had it. Tamiflu is readily available and most cases seem to be mild to moderate. Jokes abound mainly involving oinking, crackling and porky goings on! The English sense of humour at its best!!